Friday 27 August 2010

A few more belated photos

27 Aug - Having sorted through some photos prior to e-mailing to a fellow WPO participant, I came across these reasonable shots from northern New Zealand waters - the upper 2 species are very similar, but I think the bill shape/colour and the nostril length indicate that the upper photo is a Parkinson's (Black) Petrel, and the second photo is a Westland Petrel - both NZ endemics. The lower 2 pictures are of the more widespread Grey-faced Petrel.

Monday 14 June 2010

More Albatrosses of the North Pacific

24-27 April - some more Albatross photos from the last few days of the WPO in the north Pacific, in the seas south of Japan. We had really excellent views of Black-footed (top 2) and Laysan Albatrosses (middle) following the ship, then near Torishima Island we also saw Short-tailed Albatross (lower) well. Magnificent birds.

Friday 30 April 2010

Hong Kong again

30 April - a final highlight on my trip - a repeat visit to Mai Po, and a fantastic array of large flocks of waders on migration (9), the highlight being a flock of approx 80 Asiatic Dowitchers (12) in summer plumage. Also present - Broad-billed and Terek Sandpipers (11), Red-necked and Long-toed Stints, Curlew Sandpipers (10) and a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. 2 Nordmann's Greenshanks were seen but I couldn't find a Spoon-billed Sandpiper......home tomorrow after many miles and amazing sights.....

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Back connected......

28 Mar - I am now in Japan, after 4 weeks and over 4000 miles at sea and incommunicado - a lot to report. Generally quite rough seas, lots of wildlife, remote islands - from New Caledonia to the remote Solomon Islands - friendly people after the welcoming war dance (see photo from Rennell Island). Whales - some v close to the boat - many seabirds including 12 species of Albatross, many Petrels including Beck`s Petrel, the unique Kagu in New Caledonia, and numerous other endemic island species. King Neptune welcomed us across the equator where it was extremely hot and humid - now cool and wet here in Japan. The overall impression is of the vastness of the Pacific and the remote and scattered nature of the islands we visited - Captain Cook and the other explorers really were heading into the unknown in those days.
Photos - 1. "Spirit of Enderby". 2-4. Norfolk Island. 5. White Tern. 6. Black Noddy. 7. Red-tailed Tropicbird. 8-9. New Caledonia. 10. Kagu. 11. White-tailed Tropicbird. 12. Tahiti Petrel. 13. Gould's Petrel. 14-16. Rennell Island, Solomons. 17-19. Makira Island, Solomons. 20. Beach Kingfisher. 21 Mount Austin, Solomons. 22. Blyth's Hornbill. 23. Sperm Whale. 24. Black-naped Tern. 25-26. Crossing the Equator..... 27. At dinner on the ship. 28 Sunset.....

Monday 29 March 2010

Maketu Beach

30 Mar - A morning visit to Maketu, a beautiful unspoilt coast near Tauranga. Wildlife highlights included Wrybill (above) and New Zealand Dotterel.
. Later today we sail for Norfolk Island and New Caledonia, and blog updates may be less frequent due to lack of internet access in the islands, maybe next in New Caledonia....

Sunday 28 March 2010

First 3 days

29 Mar - We are now at Tauranga after 3 days cruising up from Kaikoura in south island, highlights have included 100s of Albatrosses in the rough weather we experienced yesterday, along with Petrels and Shearwaters, and 2 Sperm Whales seen. Tomorrow we pick up the rest of the passengers for the main trip and start heading north.
Photos of Albatrosses at Kaikoura and off North Island - 1.Wandering, 2.Royal, 3.Campbell, 4.Shy, 5.Buller's Albatrosses.