Friday 30 April 2010

Hong Kong again

30 April - a final highlight on my trip - a repeat visit to Mai Po, and a fantastic array of large flocks of waders on migration (9), the highlight being a flock of approx 80 Asiatic Dowitchers (12) in summer plumage. Also present - Broad-billed and Terek Sandpipers (11), Red-necked and Long-toed Stints, Curlew Sandpipers (10) and a Sharp-tailed Sandpiper. 2 Nordmann's Greenshanks were seen but I couldn't find a Spoon-billed Sandpiper......home tomorrow after many miles and amazing sights.....

Tuesday 27 April 2010

Back connected......

28 Mar - I am now in Japan, after 4 weeks and over 4000 miles at sea and incommunicado - a lot to report. Generally quite rough seas, lots of wildlife, remote islands - from New Caledonia to the remote Solomon Islands - friendly people after the welcoming war dance (see photo from Rennell Island). Whales - some v close to the boat - many seabirds including 12 species of Albatross, many Petrels including Beck`s Petrel, the unique Kagu in New Caledonia, and numerous other endemic island species. King Neptune welcomed us across the equator where it was extremely hot and humid - now cool and wet here in Japan. The overall impression is of the vastness of the Pacific and the remote and scattered nature of the islands we visited - Captain Cook and the other explorers really were heading into the unknown in those days.
Photos - 1. "Spirit of Enderby". 2-4. Norfolk Island. 5. White Tern. 6. Black Noddy. 7. Red-tailed Tropicbird. 8-9. New Caledonia. 10. Kagu. 11. White-tailed Tropicbird. 12. Tahiti Petrel. 13. Gould's Petrel. 14-16. Rennell Island, Solomons. 17-19. Makira Island, Solomons. 20. Beach Kingfisher. 21 Mount Austin, Solomons. 22. Blyth's Hornbill. 23. Sperm Whale. 24. Black-naped Tern. 25-26. Crossing the Equator..... 27. At dinner on the ship. 28 Sunset.....